Monday, August 27, 2007

I can't decide...

I'm having trouble deciding whether I've had a really good day, a bad day, or an okay day. I'm thinking under the circumstances of events that happend today, that I'll say that I had an okay day. One... well, two good things happend today. My mommy got me sour patch kids, haha, that's one good thing, the better of the two though was my message from matty t. *woot*
So those two things happening to me today kind of helped my day be a little bit better.
First, on the way home from school today, some guy completely cut me off. I had a turn signal, and right in the middle of my turn he jutted out infront of me, causing me to have to slam on my brakes. Then about 15 minutes ago, I found out that my computer had to get it's hardrive replaced... Again! It's probably somewhere between a year to two years old and I've already lost EVERYTHING on it two times. It's becoming very annoying to keep having to replace it.
If you count all the times I've lost everything on various computers, it comes to a grand total of... *counts*... about 6 or 7 times.
If it's ever happend to you, you know how absolutely horrible it is...
Anyway, So I'm trying to dwell on the good things that happend today. Sour Patch Kids and Matt Thiessen.
Listening to Relient K helps some too....
Homework here I come....
Talk to you guys... if anybody's reading... later.

Friday, August 24, 2007

It's Quite Warm Today...

I think that I might be talking to myself right now... but oh well, that's okay. Today I went to the fair... i saw the goats, and I pet them... I'd post a picture, but I can't upload them to this computer without the software, so maybe I'll post them later.
Anywho, So today was nice. I got my 'The Complete Infrastructure Known As The Female Mind" today :D. I started to read it as soon as I got it, haha, and I think that I might go read more now... :]
that was a boring post...
have a nice day!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hello There... *waves*

Why Hello There :]

This is my first post, and truth be told, i'm not sure i have much to say... especially because I just made this blog and really have yet to tell anybody that I made one at all... but let's see here... what to talk about... I just went to Target and I bought a pair of flip-flops... they're blue... they were on sale too, only 2.08, down from their usual 2.99... I know... amazing... Anywho... I also bought part of my friend's birthday present... I would say what I got her, but just in case she stumbles upon this I'm not gonna say what it is... So anywho, I think that I've bored all of you enough with my boring afternoon, which really wasn't all that boring to me while it was going on... :]
