Sunday, September 23, 2007

Well, Third Time's A Charm I Guess...

So I went to see Hotspur tonight.
Me and my mom figured that they'd go on probably 3rd or 2nd so we kind of took our time leaving... Turns out that we definately shouldn't have, haha.
So we get there and go inside and we ask the guy at the door if hotspur already did they're set. They did. They had just finished about 10 minutes prior to us showing up. Just my Luck, lol [that's a good movie by the way, haha]
So we go back to the car, and we think we see them packing up their gear and instruments and things so we walked over there to say hi.
I think they remembered us from the last time [we didn't get to see them play then either, haha]. It's so annoying that it's almost funny, haha
So I talked to them for a little bit and I got another picture with them. So at least it wasn't a complete waste of gas.
They're really nice guys. Last time since I couldn't stay for their set, they gave me their cd [because I only had their really really old ep from a couple years ago, haha] and a few other things.
This time they shared with me that they went to a garage sale and got a really sweet hat that said, "Welcome to Cleveland" for free and a cat poster... I think they said it was a poster, haha.
Anyway, if you've never listened to them, you should because I think that they're pretty awesome and they're uber nice guys. :]
I'll post my pictures eventually, but I don't have the software to upload pics from my camera on this computer yet.
I was writing this blog instead of reading mythology, haha, or doing my art. So I guess I should go since it's late.
If you've never heard of Hotspur, I bet this blog was really boring for you, haha.
*gives brownies to make it worthwhile*
I'm totally making them brownies next time they come somewhere near me.
♥ Nina

*copies Jon Schneck cause he's amazing*

101 Things 'Aboot' Me... All the nifty kids are doing it... haha

1. My middle name's Cecilia. Also my great-grandma's name.
2. I love Meg Cabot books... All of them... except, I'm not too happy with the sequel to "All American Girl"....
3. I Love Harry Potter books. All of them.
4. I rp on a Harry Potter site. I have 3 characters.
5. I'm addicted to that site... and to myspace... it's kinda sad, haha.
6. I have 6 pets. A bunny, a bird, 2 frogs, a kitty and a dog.
7. My favorite band is Relient K.... but that's a given. :]
8. I love disney channel.
9. I want a Hannah Montana wig, just so I can say I have one.
10. I want to go to the Hannah Montana concert in January. So do my friends.
11. I love to play the sims.
12. I love to draw. Anything.
13. I like cheese. Yep. It's true.
14. I think that Panic! At The Disco is amazing.
15. I just realized the movie I'm watching has a young Corbin Bleu in it.
16. I should be sleeping, I have church in the morning.
17. I love Back To The Future 1, 2, and 3.
18. I think that Shia LeBeuf is in Amazing movies.
19. I can never pick a favorite color.
20. I don't like to paint my nails.
21. My favorite cearel is either Life, Cheerios or Kix.
22. My favorite used to be Cinnomon Toast Crunch.
23. I Loved the Spice Girls.
24. I have 11 of their barbies... yes, 11...
25. I check the blogs of Jon Schneck, Matthew Theissen and John Warne nearly everyday.
26. I message Matthew Thiessen quite frequently. I'm trying to cut back...
27. I frequently keep the tags on all my clothes when I wear them for the first time. Just in case.
28. I can't stand spending money.
29. I actually did love high school.
30. I'm talking to Stephanie as I write this.
31. I loved the backstreet boys, and then I loved Nsync. Which lead me to not like bsb that much, and then I just loved Nsync. Later I realized I loved both.
32. Socks are my hero. Especially Knee Socks.
33. I love to bake.
34. I REFUSE to use any type of box mix. Everything I bake is from scratch.
35. I cannot swim. I can't wade in water. Don't know why...
36. I used to love Mickie D's. Now I refuse to eat there. Unless it's necessary or If it's a McFlurry, or for a kid meal toy...
37. I get kid meals everywhere. They have fun toys...
38. I'm in love with my kneaded eraser.
39. I refer to things as nifty quite often on a daily basis.
40. I always say I'd marry things that I love.
41. Johnny Depp = Amazing..... :D
42. I LOVE trees.
43. I can't just do one thing. I need to be doing at least 2-3 things at once or I can't concentrate.
44. I love shopping but I can't stand spending money.
45. I will do ANYTHING to meet relient k. Anything!
46. I wear contacts, but I have glasses too.
47. I confuse easily and am also easily amused.
48. I am, in fact, wearing all stripes right now.
49. I loved Sailor Moon.
50. Squirell's are my heros. Especially Merle.
51. I love to watch Futurama, The Simpsons, and almost any good cartoon you can think of. And Malcolm in the Middle.
52. "Who loves orange soda? Kelllll loves orange soda" Old School Nick = Amazing... aka. Rocko, Pete and Pete, Ahhh!! Real Monsters, Are You Afraid Of the Dark?, All That (1st cast), Keanen and Kel, Dare (not double dare 2000), Clarrissa Explains it All, Kablam!...etc... I could go on forever.
53. I like the browns. I don't care if they suck most of the time.
54. If I met Relient K my life would be almost complete.
55. I'm 18 and Have never had a boyfriend.
56. I like playing board games.
57. I sing along loudly to all my music in my car.
58. I sing in the shower.
59. I've always wanted to play an instrument, but never learned how to play one.
60. I enjoy making up my own words.
61. I write fan fiction. Yeah, it's geeky. But so fun.
62. I want to some day write a full length novel.
63. I love going to the drive-in.
64. I love going to Cedar Point. But I don't like roller coasters.
65. I didn't like the prom. After prom was amazing though.
66. I only ramble if I'm talking online, or I'm really hyper.
67. Pepsi makes me really hyper.
68. I take sugar packets from everywhere I go and I keep them in my purse.
69. I love snapple. Recently, Raspberry White Tea.
70. Salad is my hero.
71. I like ranch dressing on almost everything.
72. I eat my pizza with no sauce. Just cheese.
73. I love baking pies.
74. I think that Martha Stewart purposely puts the wrong cooking time in her recipes, just so your don't turn out as nice as hers.
75. Bob Barker's amazing. I can't believe Drew Carey is replacing him.
76. I have two sisters. Natalie and Nicole.
77. I love those really corny scary movies that aren't scary but really funny. Like Doll Graveyard. And the one, whose name escapes me, that the main character lives till the end without getting her brain eaten by a zombie and then gets shot. haha.
78. I stay up too late and waste too much of my time online.
79. The top on my car is broken and I can't use it. It's also molding.
80. Llamas = Amazing :D
81. My favorite things to watch when I was little were, Eurika's Castle, The Hugga Bunch, Rainbow Brite... or is it Bright?, and the chimney sweep song part in Mary Poppins when they're on the roof.... and the Gummy Bears. :D
82. I like eBay.
83. I refuse to cut my hair short. But would cut it and donate it if I could meet RK.
84. I love playing the Tomb Raider games.
85. I love Mario. All versions. But especially Nintendo and Super Nintendo versions.
86. I have gone to Harry Potter Book release parties at my library and dressed up as a character.
87. I'll rarely call someone if I can just talk to them online. And two-four of my friends are from online and don't even live in my state.
88. I actually Love Ohio.
89. I have, in fact, hugged a tree.
90. I have a HUGE collection of barbies.
91. I loved the X-Files.
92. The Discovery channel has a lot of good shows on it.
93. I have a tendency to buy shoes and never wear them, but try them on and then take them off again.
94. If I lived near where Jon Schneck was giving guitar lessons, I would have went.
95. Twice. And brought cookies.
96. When my friends have a bad day/week, I bake them cookies.
97. One of my favorite quotes from Ren And Stimpy is, "You Coveteth my ice cream bar..."
98. The Princess Bride is one of the most amazing movies ever in all exsistence.
99. I love veggies. I could eat them all day. Same with fruit. Like pineapple. :].
100. I've never had a job.
101. I can barely remember any family vacation. I can only remember freezing in the car on the way there.

I hope that you all enjoyed that. Or maybe it was really boring, haha, I don't know. It was amusing to write though.


♥ Nina