Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sonfest ... :]

It was purdy nifty :]
We got really lucky and instead of the rain and thunderstorms we were supposed to have all day long, we had partly cloudy and humid... well, the humid part wasn't much better but at least we weren't wet! *dances*
Anywho, I went with my friend Stacy and it took about 2 hours or so to get there. I knew that Ryne and Meg were supposed to be there, so I was looking for them the whole day.. I was actually starting to wonder if they were there.. lol... it was pretty crowded though, so I'm not too surprised that I didn't see them during the day.
... I got off track. lol
So we did a heck of a lot of walking. Especially because we parked down this one road [cause we were both completely oblivious to the fact that the parking was in the front of the corn field... not after it, lol] and we walked up to Sonfest.. Got our wristbands and then decided to repark and walked all the way back to the car [i'm not sure i can even describe to you how long it took -.-] and then we parked in the school parking lot cause there were actually spaces ^^.
So we spent the next few hours [few being about 5, lol] just hanging around the area and doing basically nothing... lol
We walked around and ate some food [not much though, cause it was expensive and not really that great at all.. lol] and yep... that's basically the gist of it. Sometime in the middle of all of that, we ran into Ethan [rk] and Crouton [ff5] and got a pic with them.
We watched FF5 play and then Six Pence None the Richer and a couple other bands, whose names are escaping me right now... xD and then Thousand Foot Krutch and then Relient K. :].
We were far away, but we could still see most of the time, so it was really peachy :]
They played a really good show :]
So afterwards we just hung around, waiting for rk to come out so we could talk to them. Turns out Thiessen left to go home [since he was about 3 or so hours away or something? I'm really not sure, I got on turned around since I wasn't exactly sure where we were], so we didn't get to see him, and Warne never came over to talk. But we got Ethan and Hoopes [and eventually Schneck after quite a while]. That's when I finally saw Ryne and Meg! lol, I was relieved to see that they did make it and didn't like, die on the way there or something, lol
Anywho, we talked to them for a while, while we waited for Schneck to come out and they ended up spending the night in our hotel room with us, becuase I didn't want them to die on the way home.. or sleep in a rest area.. lol..
So then we left and proceeded to get lost on the way to the Comfort Inn... we were looking at the map and completely missed it, lol. But then Ryne called and saved us and we met them at the McDonalds and found our way to the Comfort Inn. We ate food and then we slept and then they left really early, haha
Me and Stacy slept for a couple more hours and then went to the Continental Breakfast. Which had a WAFFLE IRON.... sorry for the caps.. i was just that excited about it... lol
Anyway, then we went home and now I'm writing this. :]

To sum up, it was a good day and Ryne and Meg are nice. :] lol

I'm uploading my videos onto YouTube, but I don't think I'll post my pictures... they're really terrible... least my ones of Relient K... the camara wouldn't focus and then when it did, it was blurry -.-...

Anywho... talk to you guys later!
-nina :]