Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So apparently I fail at blogs.
I never picked people to tag for the last one I did and then I never posted another one and that was forever ago. Lol.
I have a headache. So I think I'm going to go take something for it and then maybe just go to bed. Cause I fail at going to bed early as well. Lol.
This was pointless, lol

But anyway, I really don't want to go to school in a week.
Would anyone like to claim that they're me and go in place of me?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whoa! I feel included! :D

I got tagged-ed-ed-ed by Brittany ^-^
Go me! hehe

Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know they've been tagged.

My 6 Quirks...
1. I never drink tap water, unless absolutely necessary, at my house.. but when I'm at my friend's houses, I'll drink their tap water.. i don't get me. lol
2. I can't cut off music in the middle of lyrics.. I usually wait till the song is over. Even when I'm just sitting in the car, late for class. I have to let at least a sentance finish.
3. I need to multitask while doing something... I can't just sit down and do one thing... unless I'm reading.. then it's okay.
4. I always have to type in even though I have a google tool bar and I don't have to.
5. I have to set my alarm way too early and hit my snooze a ton.
6. I talk to my cat and dog daily. [is that a quirk, or just weird? lol.. I do think they understand though] ... An example of this is when I let the cat out and I have to tell him to watch for my car, so I don't accidently hit him or something.... lol

1. I'm
2. Still
3. Thinking
4. About
5. My
6. Victums


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sonfest ... :]

It was purdy nifty :]
We got really lucky and instead of the rain and thunderstorms we were supposed to have all day long, we had partly cloudy and humid... well, the humid part wasn't much better but at least we weren't wet! *dances*
Anywho, I went with my friend Stacy and it took about 2 hours or so to get there. I knew that Ryne and Meg were supposed to be there, so I was looking for them the whole day.. I was actually starting to wonder if they were there.. lol... it was pretty crowded though, so I'm not too surprised that I didn't see them during the day.
... I got off track. lol
So we did a heck of a lot of walking. Especially because we parked down this one road [cause we were both completely oblivious to the fact that the parking was in the front of the corn field... not after it, lol] and we walked up to Sonfest.. Got our wristbands and then decided to repark and walked all the way back to the car [i'm not sure i can even describe to you how long it took -.-] and then we parked in the school parking lot cause there were actually spaces ^^.
So we spent the next few hours [few being about 5, lol] just hanging around the area and doing basically nothing... lol
We walked around and ate some food [not much though, cause it was expensive and not really that great at all.. lol] and yep... that's basically the gist of it. Sometime in the middle of all of that, we ran into Ethan [rk] and Crouton [ff5] and got a pic with them.
We watched FF5 play and then Six Pence None the Richer and a couple other bands, whose names are escaping me right now... xD and then Thousand Foot Krutch and then Relient K. :].
We were far away, but we could still see most of the time, so it was really peachy :]
They played a really good show :]
So afterwards we just hung around, waiting for rk to come out so we could talk to them. Turns out Thiessen left to go home [since he was about 3 or so hours away or something? I'm really not sure, I got on turned around since I wasn't exactly sure where we were], so we didn't get to see him, and Warne never came over to talk. But we got Ethan and Hoopes [and eventually Schneck after quite a while]. That's when I finally saw Ryne and Meg! lol, I was relieved to see that they did make it and didn't like, die on the way there or something, lol
Anywho, we talked to them for a while, while we waited for Schneck to come out and they ended up spending the night in our hotel room with us, becuase I didn't want them to die on the way home.. or sleep in a rest area.. lol..
So then we left and proceeded to get lost on the way to the Comfort Inn... we were looking at the map and completely missed it, lol. But then Ryne called and saved us and we met them at the McDonalds and found our way to the Comfort Inn. We ate food and then we slept and then they left really early, haha
Me and Stacy slept for a couple more hours and then went to the Continental Breakfast. Which had a WAFFLE IRON.... sorry for the caps.. i was just that excited about it... lol
Anyway, then we went home and now I'm writing this. :]

To sum up, it was a good day and Ryne and Meg are nice. :] lol

I'm uploading my videos onto YouTube, but I don't think I'll post my pictures... they're really terrible... least my ones of Relient K... the camara wouldn't focus and then when it did, it was blurry -.-...

Anywho... talk to you guys later!
-nina :]

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!!!

I just got back from it
and if you haven't seen it yet
you should go see it now
'tis pretty much amazingly snazzy

we had a couple annoying guys behind us, who kept talking. But they left about half-way through and as they did, yelled. "Batman Rocks!".. Luckily, they didn't come back.

And I just completely forgot what I was saying becuase I'm watching 'Fatal Attraction'
.. That poor bunny :(.. You know what I'm talking about if you've seen it.. lol

Anyway.. the movie [Batman, not Fatal Attraction, haha] was really good :)
On the way home, we saw a guy randomly running... it was really strange and we wanted to know where he was going, but we didn't cause, well, he was running and I was driving, so I guess that wouldn't really work would it? lol

Anywho.. we also saw a deer... and that really wasn't important to mention but.. oh well i guess? lol

But the point of this blog was to say that you should see Batman ^^
So, I'm going to bed now, lol

Friday, July 18, 2008


Look! I'm actually blogging!
and I think I'm actually going to finish this one!

Today started off with me, sleeping in. Not the best choice on my behalf.. We left late and we got there late.. probably about 11:30-50. When we got to where warped was, there was basically NO parking left at all. And I mean at all. We ended up getting a space all the way in the flats.. and you guys will have no idea what that means probably because you don't live in Cleveland, but it's semi-long walk... So we get there and by the time we make it to the gate we're already sweating and were basically soaked.. I know that sounds disgusting.. and well, it was pretty disgusting...

So first we go looking for the master schedule, which we eventually found and then we copied it and ended up just wondering for a while, finding all the stages that sort of thing. On our way though, we got stopped by this really annoying band guy dude. lol. He was horrible and he kept stamping us with this stamp of the band name... For one. He insulted Relient K. Two, he was obnoxious and telling us that we weren't gonna come back when we really were <-- that was before he was being a jerk. Three. HE INSULTED RELIENT K!!!! He said that they didn't care about us and that they were probably in their bus in the air conditioning, drinking. Wtf. Ahhh, annoying.

So anywho... off of that subject... we put on SPF 50 and we still burned.. but I burned the least so that kinda good.. but not good for Jourdan and Stacy..

So then we walked around more and we waited in line to meet FF5 :) Then we did and then yay, lol.

And I'm really sorry about this blog, because I really can't remember much of anything about today. It was extremely hot and I don't really think any of us really knew what we were doing.

So we went and saw relient k and they were all spiffy ^^ There was only one really really small mosh pit, during 'The only thing worse than Beating a dead horse is betting on one' and it was less than a minute, so I was pretty happy about that.
Once they were done we went to wait in line to meet Relient K. Matt's amazing and told me that he/the rest of the guys would make a video for my friend and told me to stop by the end of the signing and we could make one. So first we went through the line [which felt like we were standing in a pit.. very unpleasent... and not to mention we all felt like we were about to pass out from heat exhaustion... all they were selling was $5 Gatorade. No water. Messed up if you ask me.] and we talked to a couple girls infront/behind us who we were discussing relient k/matt thiessen/how people kept cutting us in line. Then it started moving about 45 minutes later and within another thirty or so.. maybe less actually, we were inside.

I said hi to Jon, cause he was there first and talked to him for a few seconds before turning over to Warne and telling him that I made him a birthday card. [Christi, I think I know the look that he gave you.. because I think that I got the same one, lol.] He looked really surprised and then he asked me if he should open it now and I said that he could if he wanted to. So he did and it looked like he really liked it. He laughed and gave me a high five and thanked me and then proceeded to show the rest of the guys. So then I talked to Matty T a little bit, the usually talk, hey, how're you doing? thing and then he commented on my shirt and asked if I made it and then said that it was pretty good. And I said that slightly out of order so by the time I was done talking to Matt my shirt was already down the line and to Hoopes and then Ethan. Ethan handed me my shirt and I thanked him and then didn't really say anything to either of them... I kind of feel bad about it, but it was too late by then and the people asked me to leave after that so I did and waited outside for Jourdan and Stacy.

Then I remembered that I forgot to mention the video and sighed at myself and then we went to get food. We walked all the way back to the front, looked at the lines and then said that we didn't have time to get food and get back to the tent in time. So we did, and we walked back to the tent. We waited for people to finish and then talked Scoot [I meant Scott.. haha, i can't type... oh boy] for a little bit. [the first time i ever got to talk to him/see him. lol] and then went inside. I explained to matt about the video, he said that he forgot about it and then asked, "Oh, for brittany?" lol, yay for brittany by the way, that actually made me really happy. But I told him that no, it was for my friend Andy that lives in the UK. And then he asked what all they should say and I said to basically just say hi and things. So they took a picture with someone real quick and then came over to us and did the video.. I started it a bit early and it was kind of loudish so you can't really hear them too well =/ but I still got it so that was good. Then we got a picture with them all and .. Oooh, did I mention Thiessen was wearing Plaid!?! Best Day Ever! :D lol
So then I asked if I could get hugs from them all and hugged Schneck.. and then.. I already told Brittany about this.. but I went to hug Warne and I kind of sort of accidently hit/tapped the side of John's face. lol. It was hilarious and I said I was so sorry and I hugged him. Then him and Thiessen joked about how I better watch out for next time I see them and to watch out for Warne cause something, haha, i can't remember what all he said exactly, but it was funny, :D. lol.. anyway, I hugged Thiessen [who seemed to be taller than usual, lol] and then Hoopes, who looked slightly scared that I was hugging him and said that it was nice to meet me and I said it back to him. Anywho, that's when we said bye to all of them and Thiessen told us to have fun the rest of the time at Warped. So I thanked him again and watched them leave and all that Jazz. Then we went to eat [cold, i might add] pretzels and sat around for a little bit.

Really the rest of the time is a blur... We didn't see too many bands and me being dyslexic, missed Say Anything becuase when I copied it down, I mixed up Jack's Mannequin and them. So we listened to them for a while [they were actually really good] and then we went to go see The Color Fred, who was pretty awesome. But then Jourdan wanted to leave right before the last song, which was complaintor, so I said okay and slightly regrettedly [if that's a even a word?] left to go see Katy Perry [we almost met her but they cut the line off about 3 people in front of us]. She was pretty good live, but the only time all the audience really responded was when she sang 'I kissed a girl'.. But overall it was okay. Anyway, by this point the three of us were basically dead and we trucked it all the way back to the car and then got lost on the way home! woo! lol
Anywho it was fun :)

Pointers of the day:
Trying to change my shirt in public.. worked the first time.. but the second time I got annoyed with it and just whipped off my shirt in the middle of a huge crowd and changed, lol. Yes, I can't believe I did that either.. but I wanted my other shirt on and the other one off so RK could sign it.. Thank God that none of them walked by when I did that.

Guy from New Zealand who kept asking us if we wanted to listen to his band's cd!!! He was cute and had an accent... and he didn't realise he kept walking up to us, lol

Man nipples everywhere!!!!!!! lol
I can't believe I just typed that... lol

Anyway, I'm gonna go now.. that's basically it, but I'm sure I forgot something
so if I did and I remember I'll post another blog and tell you ^^

-- nina :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I obviously suck at blogging, lol
I never came back and finished, haha, that's what happens when I don't do something right away... so now it's way to late I'm guessing to finish that, especially since I can't really remember the details all too well, lol
So anywho, sorry for anyone who wanted to read it?

Anywho, I'll blog about Warped since that's the next thing I'll be going to :D
At least, I'll hopefully blog about it...

I keep forgetting I have one of these...

This was pointless
But I'm gonna post it anyway, lol

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Subway's Out To Get Us!!!

so the title of this blog has nothing to do with relient k

Favorite Quote of the Night:
"You all should know this song, unless you don't know it. Then you shouldn't."
-- Matt Thiessen, before Sadie Hawkins Dance

so on with all that happend...

I picked up Stacy and started our drive to Hiram. The whole road was traffic, lol, and most of the roads were 25 and 35 mph, lol, it was getting annoying. Anywho, neither of us had really eaten all day and all we were seeing were subways, lol, but we never stopped at one. Anywho, by the end of the night we really wanted Subway. haha.

Anywho, so back to getting there.
We got there and bought our tickets and then we just went and sat around for a while, the doors opened at 7 and we had about an hour. So we were just sitting on the sidewalk and stacy was continueing to shred everything in sight, lol. And I heard a door open so I turned around and saw Thiessen coming outside [ in some pretty snazzy sunglasses ] and I said hey to him and he asked if it was my birthday yesterday and then told me happy belated birthday after I said it was =) [ Thank you Brittany. I love you. lol. ] Anywho, we talked to him for about a minute and then he went to the bus maybe? Not really sure where he went actually.

and this's being janky, so don't comment yet if you see this. not done.