Thursday, October 18, 2007

Two Down, Three To Go... A minute by minute account of the Relient K/Switchfoot Concert [Sort of... lol]

That's what it was... so amazing! lol, well, after rushing around the house trying to gather everything and finish they're gift, which I didn't get to finish by the way, lol, I left with my mom around 4:30 [a couple hours later than I had wanted, lol] we drove the 2 and a half hours to Columbus and got there at about 7:30 or so... I heard a band go on so I was thinking that it was Ruth, well, it turns out, that it wasn't Ruth, it was Relient K, going on only minutes after I had arrived, we weren't even in our seats yet!! It's like they waited for us, haha *woot*
Anywho, I was front row, but the stage was still really far away and I had these girls by me that were dancing constantly... it was getting a tad annoying to tell you the truth, lol.... but anyway, They were so awesome :D Matty T's sister was there and he brought her out on the stage and he talked to her and introduced her to the crowd and all the nifty stuff. He said that she didn't like his stache and then said that it didn't matter, haha... Then they played Sleigh Ride for her because she listens to Christmas music all year round *woots* cause I do too! haha *happy dances estatically* They also played a tears for fears song, in love with the 80's, Sadie Hawkins Dance, I Need You, Devastation and Reform, who I am Hates who I've been, the usual songs :D And I think I saw Matthew look at the twice! The first time I was looking at Schneck and only caught the end of it, and the second time he definately was looking at me :D! At least I think so... lol
Durning Sadie Hawkins Dance Matt let three people up on the stage to play with them, luckies, lol, one of them got to use his pretty shiny red guitar and the other two got to do bells :D I think that anybody who's learning how to play guitar right now *cough*Brittany*cough* should learn how to play that song... I must be coming down with a cold.... haha... no really I think I am my throat's been killing me since before the concert, lol
I was dissapointed with the Columbus crowd though. Barely ANY of them were singing along and it was sad to look behind me and barely see anybody jumping around spasically like me, lol, at the end of who I am hates who I've been, Matt did that one cute thing at the end of the song when he repeats, "Wish that I could take back", barely anybody was singing along, I could actually hear myself... Boo, Columbus crowd, Boo.
But it was still Amazing!!!!!
So when it was over I went out to the merch table and got a shirt, some buttons, a poster and a bumper sticker... haha, the guy that got my things for me seemed very amused by all the RK things that I was buying, lol, it was funny... he was also very cute, haha
Anyway, then Switchfoot came on, and they were so good!!! They're amazing live. Jon Foreman walked around through the aisles during the concert and on his way back up to the stage ran right infront of me! haha
My favorite song they did was Awakening, it was awesome, and one of the 3 or 4 songs I actually knew the words to that they played, lol, near the end of their set, Matt Thiessen came out again and so did Ruth and they played a song Jon said they had just finished the night before and it was their first time playing it. It was soo Amazing :D
Before they sand it Matt cracked a joke, which I thought was funny, but not many people really laughed, which also dissapointed me, lol, he said something along the lines of this... "Hey, so did anybody realize that if Ruth wasn't on stage, this would be ruthless..." I don't know, haha, I thought it was cute... Anyway, the whole thing was just so good.... I cannot wait for all of you guys to go to it... I wish I could go again!!
Anywho, afterwards, we walked around the venue to look for tour buses. Did I happen to mention that this venue wasn't even sold out?! There were a TON of seats left... Anywho, back to what I was saying... lol... we found them and stood by them for about 30-40 minutes before Jon Schneck came out to talk to all of us. I got a picture with him and talked to him for a little bit. Would you believe me if I said I forgot to ask him to sign my poster? lol, cause I did... I remembered when he was walking away, lol
Anywho, Jon and Chad [I think] from switchfoot came out and I got pictures with them and Jon signed my phone, it rubbed off though :/ I got a picture of it, but it's kinda faded :/ Anyway, later John Warne came out and I got a picture with him as well and this time I remembered to ask him to sign my poster, lol :D! We all waited longer and then more Switchfoot guys came out and we waited for Matty but he never came out... I think that he was probably hanging out with his sister or with Shannon because someone told me that they saw her earlier walking around. So after a little over 2 hours of waiting around we left at about midnight and got home around 3 or so...
But anyway, it was so awesome and I put a few pics up on my myspace, though, the pics I took during the show didn't turn out, if you want to see them, let me know, I don't know if I'm gonna put them up on myspace or not, haha, they're all janky and blurry, there was bad lighting...
So I've been typing this a long time, and I bet that I forgot things that I wanted to add... but oh well, I'll post another if necessary, haha
Nina :D


Brittany said...

Oh Man..

This Was Awesome!

It Sounds Great.

Now I Know Not To Leave The Pit When RK Finishes Playing.


I Want To Learn Sadie Hawkins Dance,

But My Teacher Thinks It's Too Fast.

What A Bietch.. :/

Nina said...

oh no!!
but I bet you could get it if you played it enough :]
i'd think he'd be sure to pick you since he basically knows you, lol :D
It was quite amazing, that's why I was happy we had seats because I wanted to spend all my money on rk things! hehe

AE said...

GLAD U HAD FUN! AND SHAME ON THOSE PPL! ill go check the pics! soo cool u met the jo(h)s! I so want to se them and meet foreman!

Christi said...

I'm glad you had an awesome time.
I'm gonna learn to play Sadie Hawkins Dance :)
too bad our seats are not even close to the front lol
oh well.
It doesn't make me any less excited :D