Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Killing Time...

I've been having weird dreams lately....
The other night, I dreamt that I went to a Relient K concert and RK had a house near me, so after the show, I went over and I got to meet all of them and get pictures and everything.... I know I got one with Matt and I remember yelling "Dave!" At one point, he was eating cereal at the kitchen table... lol... Then they invited me to hang out with them after the show, and Matty T called my cell phone and it came up Matthew Thiessen on Caller Id. And I flipped out... lol, So then he told me, what're you doing tonihgt? Well, do you wanna hang out?.. For some reason I had to think about it... am I crazy?! lol .... so then he says he'll call me when they're here... which is weird becuase I never left their house, ha... so they get there and for some reason I just had to get changed and then I went outside and went in their tour bus. As soon as I walked into the bus, it wasn't a tour bus anymore, but a double decker bus... So I went to the second floor and Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were there.... ha... it was strange.... I tried to get a picture with Rupert, but then he got weirded out or something and he had to leave :/ lol... then Emma said something about needing a shower or something [?] it was weird, lol
But what's better than having a dream about meeting rk and hanging out with them? Nothing... because I haven't had the chance to meet/hang out with all of those amazingly snazzy guys :] Jon and John are amazing :D

Last night I dreamt that my friends Jessi and Jenna wanted me to go a concert with them, so I checked to see who was playing and Nevertheless was one of the bands... so I was cool! but then one of my other friends, said there was a Harry Potter Party at the library and that it was going to be awesome! ha... I chose the concert if you're wondering... lol... somewhere in the middle of all that I went shopping at k mart or something and befriended the lady working in the dressing room... then we had tea.... Ha... that sounds funnier now that I wrote it....

Weird.... lol

One time I also had a dream that I was at my old school in the parking lot and RK's bus was just sitting there. And I saw Matthew looking out a window. He waved to me and told me to come up... I went up and talked to him and he showed me his notebook... It had a bunch of drawings and lyrics in it... i think.... lol, anyway, then he left and that's all I remember....

If you're wondering why i just told you all of that, it's because I don't want to do homework... i've been stalling all day and I should really go to sleep...

Anyway... I have 2 more rk dreams... Most of you have probably heard them before... but just in case... lol

I was at a random show and Matt's cat jumped off the stage, so I went to go and catch it, and it hissed at me, lol, anyway, I picked him up again and walked him back over to the stage, then I yelled Matt a couple times and he looked over, so I gave him his cat back and then he shook my hand I think? lol, and introduced me to his brother, who he called Brian... weird... lol

The last one is I'm actually running errands with him in my car.... that was fun... I think I had dry cleaning or something? lol
In that same dream I played Scrabble with Brendon Urie... haha

Okay... now I'm done... maybe I can concentrate now...

Are you still here?
wow... I applaud you :]

♥ Nina

*gives pie*

Yes, Chris, I just gave everybody virtual food again... haha

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Another 100... I mean 20... Things That You Most Likely Didn't Know About Me... Or Did... I Don't Know...

Cause the first 101 was fun and I felt like making another...

1. I should be stippling right now...
2. But I'm procrastinating as usual...
3. I'm talking to Brittany on aim right now
4. I Love God.
5. I'm catholic
6. I only like coffee if it doesn't taste like coffee, but I like coffee flavored things... make sense?
7. I Love Relient K
8. I don't care that I already told you I love rk more than once.
9. My L key isn't working well on my keyboard.
10. I stayed logged into Myspace all day... even if i'm not paying attention to it.
11. I'm easily amused.
12. It's 2:27 am right now... but it REALLY should be 3:27 am, because the clocks got turned back tonight.
13. I was amused when i looked at the clock and saw it was Again 1 am...
14. I to read.
15. I just realized there is a typo in #14... insert love in between I and to...
16. If I ever decide to donate my hair, I want Matthew Thiessen to cut it for me.
17. I loved the Spice Girls...
18. I love The Color Fred.... Thank you Brittany :D
19. I just changed the headline of this post to 20 things about it because I can't think of anything...
20. I talk to my online rk friends more than I talk to my friends at home... yeah... weird?

♥ Nina