Saturday, July 19, 2008

Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!!!

I just got back from it
and if you haven't seen it yet
you should go see it now
'tis pretty much amazingly snazzy

we had a couple annoying guys behind us, who kept talking. But they left about half-way through and as they did, yelled. "Batman Rocks!".. Luckily, they didn't come back.

And I just completely forgot what I was saying becuase I'm watching 'Fatal Attraction'
.. That poor bunny :(.. You know what I'm talking about if you've seen it.. lol

Anyway.. the movie [Batman, not Fatal Attraction, haha] was really good :)
On the way home, we saw a guy randomly running... it was really strange and we wanted to know where he was going, but we didn't cause, well, he was running and I was driving, so I guess that wouldn't really work would it? lol

Anywho.. we also saw a deer... and that really wasn't important to mention but.. oh well i guess? lol

But the point of this blog was to say that you should see Batman ^^
So, I'm going to bed now, lol

1 comment:

AE said...

yeah i saw it and i liked it but it was confusing to me. lol