Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whoa! I feel included! :D

I got tagged-ed-ed-ed by Brittany ^-^
Go me! hehe

Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know they've been tagged.

My 6 Quirks...
1. I never drink tap water, unless absolutely necessary, at my house.. but when I'm at my friend's houses, I'll drink their tap water.. i don't get me. lol
2. I can't cut off music in the middle of lyrics.. I usually wait till the song is over. Even when I'm just sitting in the car, late for class. I have to let at least a sentance finish.
3. I need to multitask while doing something... I can't just sit down and do one thing... unless I'm reading.. then it's okay.
4. I always have to type in even though I have a google tool bar and I don't have to.
5. I have to set my alarm way too early and hit my snooze a ton.
6. I talk to my cat and dog daily. [is that a quirk, or just weird? lol.. I do think they understand though] ... An example of this is when I let the cat out and I have to tell him to watch for my car, so I don't accidently hit him or something.... lol

1. I'm
2. Still
3. Thinking
4. About
5. My
6. Victums



Brittany said...


your list of victims... LOVE IT.

your quirks are great.

Brittany said...


that was not on purpose.