Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chapstick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Concerts

I haven't written in FOREVER.
It's been that long...

Anywho, I'm only really writing tonight because I'm really excited about the two rk shows I'm going to tomorrow {or today since it's past midnight} and on Friday. :D. Only downside, it's gonna be cold and rainy... meh, lol

And if it wasn't so late, I would bore all of you reading this and ramable on and on and on and on about it all... but you're lucky, cause I'm not gonna. xD.

Anywhoness.... All of you will most likely be getting a full account of what happens and everything when I get home. :D.

It's off to bed for me :)
Love you guys

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hullo Nina, it be Lauren. I gots a blog on here too :D
woot, just letting you know.
i loves you!