Saturday, March 15, 2008

Glad I'm Still Alive.... Part 2!

Okay so.... {who doesn't own a cell phone?}

sorry, popped in my head. xD.

Anywho... today was... interesting. lol.

So I'm starting off with when we left the house for PA... you guys don't need to know what we were talking about in Pyschology today.

Unless you want to know.

But I doubt it... haha

So we dropped the dog off at the vet's so we could board her for the night and so she could get a bath, she's a smelly puppy.. but nevertheless {good band} a cute one. :D. Afterwards we picked up a pizza for lunch and ate it in the car {me and my mom ate the whole thing, haha, i may have eaten more of it, i don't know.. lol

Anyway, to cut a long boring story short. I'm not a big fan of PA... There's construction Everywhere and not to mention we also got lost a couple times due to the wrong directions AAA gave us. meh, say, meh. We also got stuck in a traffic jam for 20 minutes and in the process I had the living daylights scared out of me because we were stuck on a tall bridge.... with a ton of semis...I already don't like bridges so it was pretty bad... lol... and I swear it was shaking at one point... *shudders* lol

So after getting lost againg, cause it was dark and raining and PA roads are janky, lol, we made it to the show. It was to say the least extremely loud. It was in the gym of this college and it was really echoey. I actually used earplugs. lol. {Technically, I used rolled up tissues, lol, i didn't have ear plugs} We missed the opening act {which I didn't mind} And got there in time for New Found Glory. I didn't pay much attention to them really, lol, it was way too loud and I don't really know much by them anyway, lol.

But then rk came on next and they were AMAZING. I wasn't infront of the stage like most of people, lol. {it was crazy down there, lol, and i wanted to live.} I was in the bleachers and could actually see and was able to take pictures. lol. It was really good. At one point Matt held up his water bottle and said {or something like this, from what my mom said. I didn't hear it, lol}, "This's my water bottle.... it's pink." Which cracked me up today because I remembered that I had pictures of his water bottle from the 13th and the captions were, "Matt's water bottle" and "it's pink... :D" lol. It was weird and just really made me laugh/smile today.

So afterwards, me and my mom looked for the Tour bus. We found it. And found that there was NO ONE there. No one at all. lol. It was really weird. I was the only one who wanted to find it or something I guess? Anyway, we stood there for a while and eventually Warne came outside and I said hi to him and we talked to him for a little while and got a picture and stuff. I asked him to say hi to matty t for me. But then we saw matt come out and I said hi to him from far away but then we left and he just went in the bus.

After that we found our way to the hotel and then we drove home today. :).

Anywho, it was a lot of fun


And sorry, haha, the timing's all messed up in this post, I started last night and finished it just now xD